St. Simons Island, Georgia

I'm a 17 year old self-taught developer from Georgia. I'm currently teaching myself

in my spare time as it is an area I am interested in. I enjoy working with like-minded individuals, and I am always looking for new ways to learn and grow my skill-set.

* education

Cisco Network Academy

Networking (2024 - Present)

I am currently self-teaching myself networking through the Cisco Network Academy. I am learning about networking fundamentals, protocols, and security. I plan to use this knowledge to obtain my CCNA certification some time in 2025.

High School

Web Development & Cybersecurity (2021 - 2024)

In high school, I tried to learn the basics of web development and cybersecurity, but was better off teaching myself the basics. I met a lot of cool people and learned a lot from them.

* tech stack

This is a list of the technologies I know, with my proficiency level next to them

* work

* links